Songs that will not be played at Spiders
We will not be playing the following songs, do not blame the dj’s, these songs are banned from our play list, if you have a complaint see Pete or Lynne at the door, if you dare.
1… TAINTED LOVE …SOFT CELL. The song was poor in 1981 when it was first released and has certainly not improved with age. It just gets more tainted.
2… ANY GARRY GLITTER …SHEEEEEE! For some reason we will never play any song by this thing.
3… HEAR WE GO ,OR SOMETHING LIKE. We like to think we play music.
4… I TOUCH MYSELF. If you like this, you should be doing just that.
5… STONE ROSES. FOOL’S GOLD. Good band, but what an utterly boring song, maybe the answers in the title.
Music comments : Please read.
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More on this subject will soon be available in detail on the music pages of this site but we would like to give a brief outline of what our music policy is. Spiders is not,as Tim, one of our DJ’s states, just a rock club. Yes, we do play rock music but our main theme is music from all young talented bands, mixed with good music in the same genre over the past years. Our aim is to please as many people as we can during the night. A slant on Abe Lincoln’s speech, seems appropriate, ” You can please some of the people, all of the time and all of the people, some of the time but you can’t please all of the people, all of the time. ” This is what we try to achieve. This does not however, mean that we will play cheesey music or music that does not suit the club. If you like Abba, Tom Jones, Gary Glitter, Village People, The Monkees or any hard house, dance or boy/girl bands, Spiders is not for you!
Requests….we try to be democratic, if you take as an example one night. Say there are 640 people in the club, only 80 of you could expect to have a request played, as this is the average number of songs we can play in the time allowed, meaning 560 of you would not hear your request played. In order to guarantee hearing your request played you would have to visit the club for the following seven weeks. This is democracy! It is no good therefore, giving our DJ’s a list of thirty or so requests, it simply does not work like that. It is also silly and ignorant passing the DJ’s requests including sarcastic, nasty, insulting remarks. This will not get your requests played and may well end up with you being evicted from the club for being offensive to our staff. This will not be tolerated! We know many of the younger ones want Limp Bizkit, Korn, Slipknot, Deftones etc…, we do play these but as explained above there has to be a balance. We play these bands early for one simple reason, it is easier to control the dance floor and reduce the chance of somebody being hurt, we think this reason should be explained. You probably do not realise this but we are fully responsible for everyone’s safety, including yours; this works down from the DJ’s, Security staff, Management to the Company Directors. There is at present a court case pending where the parents are blaming the tragic death of their son on a club that played Moshpit music (not Spiders). Their son died after leaving the club, from a blood clot on the brain, it is not known whether he received a bang to the head or not. The Moshpit style of dancing is not new, a style of dance like this seems to come around every so many years as does music styles. We have had to cope with this many times during the past twenty one years in the club. We know you have to express yourselves but please, seriously bear in mind what we have just said, and please remember that we are responsible for your safety, not you!
Covers….we are not against all cover versions, this has been exaggerated, we actually like some covers very much i.e. Sex Pistols – Something else, The Clash – I fought the Law, Bauhaus – Ziggy Stardust, Stranglers – All day and all of the night, Shane MacGowan – How Come, Billy Idol – Mony Mony. What we are against are cover versions of songs that did not deserve to be covered in the first place, and there are plenty of these. We also dislike covers of good songs that have been totally destroyed and turned into noise, these would seem to be rather silly and gimicky. Cover versions are not new, they are “old hat” .
OK we have had our say on this matter, we are sure there are many of you who will be raring to shoot us down, that is your prerogative but please be honest and please give your full name, e mail address or even your membership number, after all Spiders is a membership club and members have more rights than non members. As far as we are concerned any comment made without some link to identification could have come from DJ’s or Management of other clubs, and that would not do, would it!
26/02/01 Life is a mirror : If you frown at it , It frowns back ; If you smile, It returns the greeting.
William Makepease Thackeray.